Welcome to Queen Square Brokers, the honest business broker. We don’t list your business for an inflated price knowing that it won’t sell in order to get you to pay high listing fees. We are realistic and we sell businesses on your behalf to sophisticated buyers with resources.

Work with brokers who understand buyers and sellers – not just an ‘agent’.

Why Queen Square Brokers?

Tried selling your business with a traditional broker and struggled? That's common. Most brokers aren't incentivised to sell, and often don't understand business...

Why do businesses listed with traditional business brokers fail to sell?

  • They give the seller unrealistic expectations
  • Over-value the owner’s business
  • Don’t understand sophisticated buyers
  • Don’t have access to premium buyers
  • Ignore enquiries made by potential buyers
  • Fail to chase up with interested buyers
  • Don’t keep up-to-date information
  • Don’t understand balance sheets or P&L
  • Take listing fees then forget the deal

At Queen Square Brokers we are different.

We understand buyers and sellers. We beat this drum a lot, but more often than not it’s the key to striking a deal and selling your business. Our team consists of private equity professionals who work in company valuations and in finance. We will value your business professionally, as a buyer would, so that you won’t be disappointed. We will get you the very best price from buyers who are serious. Our service will include all of the following:

  • Provide a fair and reasonable valuation
  • Connect the opportunity with relevant buyers
  • Work with sophisticated buyers who are serious
  • Provide advice and support to improve your offering
  • Put together a sales prospectus, not just a listing
  • Negotiate with buyers on your behalf
  • Get the very best price for your business

Want to sell your business for £299 + VAT upfront and 0.5% of the sale price on completion?
Interested? Speak to us.